
Invasion of Privacy (say how the brits do, it makes you sound fancier)

It was early in the morning last time I was at the airport . So naturally, I got into the security line that had one of the new body scanners.  It's a little shameful, what they make you do.  I had to stand with my feet apart and raise my hands in the air while the machine creeped on me.  And while I stood and stared into the security dude's eyes as he waited for the go ahead on my non-terrorist activities, I thought to myself, "I hope I was pretty enough to get saved on security's 'special' usb drive that they take home at night."


Anonymous said...

This is a strip-search, period. It makes no difference that the technology allows it to be done on an industrial scale, it's a violation of privacy that ultimately has, at best, no effect on safety. At worst, it exposes frequent fliers to elevated doses of x-ray radiation which may cause more deaths by cancer than the terrorists could ever kill with an airplane.

Body-cavities are not revealed, thus making this simply an exercise in power-mongering voyeurism.

You MUST opt-out of these intrusive searches, and maybe be wanded/patted by a same-sex guard. I Opt'ed Out a few months ago, which gave me the opportunity to officially express my displeasure - the smurf wrote down the reason for my opting-out for their official records (it's a strip-search, I said). I suggest more people do this.

Don't forget that there is no real way to validate what level of scanning is being done by the TSA. Example images on placards at the airport only show what the government want normal people and potential terrorists to see. If terrorists knew exactly how much scanning was occurring, they could adapt likewise.

Therefore, it is implausible to expect the TSA to be honest about how high the scanning level is set. In effect, the TSA will feed the general public propaganda to stop the enemy from being more diligent in their stealth.

Nice, eh - considering this was the state of the art 4 years ago:

(You may have to cut and paste the above link)

The TSA acceptance polls quoted date to January, before anybody had any idea about the invasiveness of these machines. Latest poll on NY Times shows 75% AGAINST!

Just remember to say "I OPT-OUT"

Jay said...

wwwwooooooah doggie

Julie said...

I usually opt-out because i enjoy being frisked.