
Upper Upper Mezzanine

Remember at the end of Swan Lake, when she is standing on the edge, contemplating her ill fates - then a spaceship comes and whisks her away, planning to take her to the moon where she will dance forever, but suddenly she remembers I have m.f.ing wings! And she flies off with a flock of really good looking geese who are passing by as they follow a girl in an ultralight; her friends sad to see the princess go, but happy she's going to a warmer climate. Fantastic!
Hm? Come again? That's not what happens? AT ALL? Well, from our severly cropped the view in the cheap seats, we could only see her feet, so who really knows what was going on in that sky. And we all agreed it isn't worth an extra $20 to find out.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I'm 97% sure she didn't drown herself in the lake.