
Opposite-of-Independence day

While the Australians celebrated the arrival of the British (uh, aren't you supposed to get rid of the British? because they love to tar and tax?), we were celebrating the birth of little Robbie. And I didn't realize until just now - it was her golden birthday! Mama-mia! Good thing we did it right. In sequential order:
1) Zumba-ing
2) Danish Eating and praying for God to bless the Danish
3) Teller's mimosas and this-bowl-of-cheese-is-too-small-fondue
4) Teller's surprise 5 Free Birthday drinks!
5) Chiminea and coconut popcorn
6) Chicago Dogs and cinnamon whiskey
7) Napping to Royal Tenenbaums

Happy golden day, sweet baby!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

No wonder the day felt so magical!