
a story based on true events. we were wrong, as usual.

due to recent events, Bab and I have needed some down time (more accurately described as extended cuddle sessions). also, due to the heat, we've been extra sweaty and can only wear the bare essentials, so we realize any pictures would be borderline inappropriate for our viewers, (which includes the lonely divorced man across the way). it is because of this, and largely in part to the fact that we don't feel like expending any energy, that i must post a conversation from the recent past and photos that inspired the following transcript and hope it pleases. i have also elected to include a picture of a youthful John McCain, purely because it strikes my fancy. mmm... John McCain cira 1845... MMM...

"I can't believe they'll be moving into my room."
"We'll have to tell him that there's no sex allowed in there."
"He'd be like: That's only cause you're in it."
"And you can say 'Either me, or you and your girlfriend. Doesn’t make a difference.'"
"And he'd be like: Aren't you going to marry Brittany?"
"And you would say 'Only in New Jersey.'"
"And then we would invite him to join us in that polygamist ghetto."
"And he would make his girlfriend his #1 wife."
"And we'd be shunned on our 23rd birthdays because we didn't sew big enough shoulderpoofs on our earthtone dresses."
"And we would starve because we can't garden or grind wheat or milk a heifer."

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