
it's an old, strange friendship i sometimes don't understand but it amuses me

TJ: That kettle corn blew the normal stuff out of the water, didn't it?
Jan: [thinking] kind of, i guess.
Bab: Mmm! Yes. It sure did.
Jan: [thinking] they aren't even joking. this is a real conversation.
Bab: Well, it's a stiff competition. You get the salty and the sweet.
TJ: I'll take it any day.
Jan: [thinking] why are they still talking about it?
Bab: Remember how great high school was?
TJ: The best. Almost as good as kettle corn.
Jan: [thinking] fart noise.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Those last 3 lines are UNtrue! But the rest is about right, kettle corn is delectable.