
I've stopped having the nightmare

where it's the last day of school and I've forgotten to write a final for my students, and they get livid with me. I had that dream literally every night for 3 weeks. Sucky. But now I am able to reflect on my experience for a moment and remember this:

Scene: Having just barreled through their grubby mitts, I stand out in the hall with my foot stopping the door.  The bell is about to ring and my snot-nosed class is in the room, unaware that I slipped out.
Student: [yells through window] Ms. N! Are you locked out?!
Me: [shake my head]
Student: ... Are we LOCKED IN!?!?!
Me: [nod my head]
Student: You guys! She locked us in here!! 

Which was followed by mild panic and some pounding of the fists. Then the bell rings and I release them, as I am legally obliged to do.
Do I feel any regret? Let me just say this: It was the most peaceful 10 seconds I ever had at that wasteland.


Jay said...

I spent about 10 mins playing with the fish on the right and thinking about this story.

The Buddies said...

B: Did you read what Jay wrote?
J: Yeah...
B&J: [sigh]