
Earth is awesome.

This will rock your world:

"Scientists have discovered that plants generate electrical signals that can be picked up by other plants, and by insects and perhaps animals. Since 1873 when British physiologist Sir John Burdon-Sanderson detected bioelectrical activity following stimulation in plants, a great variety of research has been carried out to better understand how environmental stimuli (also called irritants, such as temperature change, humidity, light, and wounding) affect the electrical signals within and the electric fields that emanate from a plant. In one study, researchers hooked electrodes to the leaves and stem of a philodendron plant. They had ten human subjects come into the room one by one and stand by and/or touch the plant. When one subject tore a few leaves off the plant, the electrical activity in the plant jumped way up. The next day all ten subjects went one by one back into the room and stood next to the plant. When the person who had damaged the leaves of the plant the day before came into the room, the plant's electrical activity again zoomed to a high level. The researchers then put other plants into the room with the philodendron. The next day, each of the ten subjects went into the room with the group of plants. When the "leaf-tearer" walked in, the philodendron sent out what appeared to be strong warning signals. The other plants must have picked up this alarm, because when the subjects visited on the fourth day, all the plants in the room increased their electrical activity - almost in unison - when the "leaf-tearer" entered the plant area."
So, next time you pick a flower, think carefully about the reputation you are creating, you monster.

*I had to type this paragraph twice, so take the time to comprehend it.
It's from the very interesting book Bats Sing, Mice Giggle.

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