
Jan and Bab offend the Kenyan people

We were pretty excited to have our dear friend Robyn say she'd permit us to come visit Africa with her the next time around. We were so excited, we offered to bring a zebra to the family BBQ! A zebra we chased down in the savanna ourselves! But, apparently, a zebra is the most offensive thing you could ever bring to a BBQ. Things got serious around the mimosa table when she said, "No! You guys, you do not eat zebras." And although it's not like killing a unicorn, it IS like killing a stripey horse. Whoa! I'm glad we worked this out early. We'd hate to be stuck with all that meat as a souvenir. "Eat up you guys - this was meant to feed a village in Africa."
 Good old fashioned goat meat BBQ it is!

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